The Pingree-Moss-Chatigny American Legion Unit 32
Regina Barnes, President
603 778-0165
Unit 32 Auxiliary Members,
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All,
The next Auxiliary meeting will be Tuesday, December 19th at 6pm at the Post, please consider joining us.
We are accepting 2024 Membership Dues. The dues are still $25.00.
You can renew online at, you can mail a check, or you can stop in the Post to pay.
The Exeter Auxiliary has been busy finding new and innovative ways to build and expand our membership here in Exeter, NH. One of the goals is to have a full board for 2024 and we need volunteers. Our Senior VP, Chaplain, and Secretary seats are still vacant.
So far in 2023 the Auxiliary;
- recognized National Poppy Day by having poppies available for all Post 32 member, all donations went to the existing poppy fund,
- held a Cinco de Mayo party with raffles and games,
- voted to consistently stock the Exeter Community Fridge,
- sponsored a Saint Thomas Aquinas High School student for the 2023 American Legion Auxiliary Granite Girls State. Both the Unit President and Unit Historian attended Girls State Orientation,
- the newly formed Committee to promote Americanism hosted an “Afternoon with the State Constitution.” On this day, the post, with the help of NH Patriot Hub (, invited State Constitutional scholar, Daniel Richard, to come and speak to both members and nonmembers about their protected, given-by-God, constitutional rights as outlined in the NH State Constitution,
- voted to sponsor the Little League baseball team as it has done so since 2021.
- along with the Legionnaires and the SAL decided to start a citizen petition to get KENO on the March 2024 Exeter Town Election ballot. The petition will ask Exeter voters to allow KENO and all sports betting in the Town of Exeter,
- began a current membership outreach effort in hopes to get more members to become involved in upcoming auxiliary meetings and events
- Post 32’s newly build website was released. www.post32exeter,com
- The SAL has a meat raffle every Friday night at 7PM.
- The monthly wheel drawing is the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30PM.
- Saturday Socials have returned on at 2pm. The SAL and Auxiliary are excited to get this going again and have some surprises in the works. Please consider volunteering for the socials, contact the Post at 603 778-0165 if you are interested. Due to the holidays, there will NOT be a social on 12/16/23, 12/23/23, and 12/30/23.
- Sunday nights at 6PM is the Queen of Hearts drawing.
- The Post Christmas party is Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 6PM.
- The Post New Year Party will be Saturday, December 30, 2023 at 6PM
- The December auxiliary meeting will be December 19, 2023 and will be informal to wrap-up our holiday community activities in time for Christmas.
- Auxiliary member Cheryl A. has donated Lindt chocolates, which the Auxiliary will be gifting to Veterans of the Post for Christmas.
- The Auxiliary will be donating $700 worth of Irving gas cards and Market Basket gift cards to Seacoast Family Promise for this holiday Season. If anyone is interested in adding to the much-needed pile of gas and/or food cards for local seacoast families, please contact President Barnes.
We hope to see you this Tuesday at the Post. 6PM
YEAREND REPORTS ARE DUE APRIL 1, 2024, there was nothing filed for Exeter this past year, that cannot happen again. Reports that can be filed;
- Chaplain
- Historian
- Emergency Fund Reporting
- Constitution and Bylaws
- Education
- ALA Girls State
- Leadership Training
- Legislative
- Music
- National Security
- Poppy
- Past Presidents Parley
- Community Service
- Veteran Affairs and Rehabilitation
Let us know if you are interested in assisting in the yearend reporting process!
Please do not forget to keep an eye on our website for upcoming events!
Regina Barnes
Exeter Auxiliary President – Unit 32